knjige na engleskom jeziku publicistika knjige za djecu poezija esej osobni razvoj roman kratka priča audio izvornici dijalektalna književnost AUDIOLIBER: SAJAM AUDIOKNJIGA soundscape



Barbro Lindgren


Petar Cvirn


4 sati 26 minuta


priča za djecu

Loranča je neobičan tata koji se uvijek natječe sa svojim sinom Smazarinom i jadnička uvijek pod svaku cijenu želi pobijediti. Loranča živi ugodan život jer mu ne pada na pamet raditi i tako uništiti najbolje godine života. Na imanju živi i Dartanjan, Lorančin tata. Nije ni njemu tako loše, svakog se jutra budi s novim identitetom. Jednog dana kao vodoinstalater, drugog kao Jelenski Papak, a katkad je i onaj stari, samo što onda nije zabavno… Na vrhu bora u šumi živi Dartanjanov djed. Toliko je star da samo jede sjemenje i kuka kao kukavica. Ova se knjiga sastoji od dviju priča: Loranča, Smazarin i Dartanjan te Loranča Loranča. Među Lorančine obožavatelje ubraja se i Astrid Lindgren: „Svaki me put iznenadi koliko su ludi. Ništa što Loranča, Smazarin ili Dartanjan kažu nema smisla, a ipak će mi zauvijek biti prijatelji.“Barbro Lindgren (1937.) autorica je nekoliko dječjih klasika. Njezin inovativni i višeslojni opus obuhvaća slikovnice, dječju poeziju, drame, realističnu fikciju za mlade te prozne priče. Uključujući i njezine knjige za odrasle, objavila je preko stotinu naslova, prevedenih na više od trideset jezika. Zbog svog trajnog doprinosa dječjoj književnosti, 2004. godine bila je u užem izboru nagradu Hans Christian Andersen, a 2014. osvojila je najveću nagradu u književnosti za djecu, Godišnju nagradu Astrid Lindgren (ALMA). Barbro Lindgren završila je Akademiju likovnih umjetnosti i sama je ilustrirala nekoliko svojih knjiga, uključujući i Loranču.Prevoditeljica:Sandra Ljubas diplomirala je švedski jezik i kulturu te njemački jezik i književnost, na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu te doktorirala na Sveučilištu u Zadru. Autorica je više znanstvenih radova iz područja lingvistike i znanosti o prevođenju. Književnim se prevođenjem bavi od 2018. godine te prevodi sa švedskog, norveškog, danskog i njemačkog jezika. Tijekom godina sudjelovala je na brojnim stručnim usavršavanjima u inozemstvu, boravila u rezidencijama i posjećivala festivale, te je mentorirala i nekoliko radionica književnog prevođenja sa švedskog, norveškog i njemačkog.Knjiga je objavljena u sklopu projekta Knjiga u parku sufinanciranog sredstvima programa Kreativna Europa.

A Cat at the End of the World


Robert Perišić


Daniel Crespin, Alison Campbell


9 sati 29 minuta



Delivered like a fable, A Cat At the End of the World shifts perspectives between a runaway slave and the Scatterwind, a bodiless spirit that moves effortlessly through time and space, from the days of ancient Syracuse to our contemporary era. At the center of their stories is Miu, an Egyptian cat—one of the earliest to be domesticated—through whom Robert Perišic channels a deeply profound and beautiful understanding of animal and human behaviors as seen through the results of language, warfare, colonization, trade, and the building of a society. Guided by Perišic’s unique sensitivity, 'A Cat at the End of the World' solidifies his reputation as one of the most exciting and important contemporary writers in Europe.Guided by Perišić’s unique sensitivity, A Cat At the End of the World solidifies his reputation as one of the most exciting and important contemporary writers in Europe."Perišić draws on mythology and history in this immersive if arcane tale . . . Classicists will find lots to love." —Publishers Weekly“Perišić takes his time in pulling the threads of the story together . . . A graceful meditation on history and nature by an author well worth knowing.” —Kirkus ReviewsRobert Perišić (born. 1969) is a prominent Croatian poet, writer and journalist. He took his BA in Croatian language and literature at Philosophical Faculty in Zagreb. His criticism and essays were published in Feral Tribune and Playboy magazines. Perišić lives in Zagreb and works as a freelance writer.Publication of this audiobook was cofunded by the Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Croatia.

Journey to Russia


Miroslav Krleža


Marko Cindrić


9 sati 5 minuta



Miroslav Krleža, one of the most influential literary and intellectual figures of 20th-century Croatia and the broader Yugoslav region, was a committed leftist and a passionate observer of political change. In Journey to Russia (Put u Rusiju), first published in 1926, Krleža offers a vivid and deeply personal account of his six-month journey through the Soviet Union between late 1924 and early 1925.Driven by his political fervor and admiration for the revolutionary ideals of socialism, Krleža embarked on this journey with great expectations, eager to witness first-hand how a new society was being forged in the wake of the 1917 Revolution. What he found, however, was a country still struggling to define itself, caught between utopian aspirations and harsh realities. Traveling through train stations, cities, and remote villages, he engaged with a wide range of people—from workers and intellectuals to bureaucrats and everyday citizens—seeking to understand how they perceived the colossal transformation unfolding around them.His impressionistic reportage captures the contradictions of a nation in flux: mass demonstrations alongside religious festivities, fervent revolutionary rhetoric clashing with the weight of historical tradition, and a collective optimism tempered by the hardships of daily life. His reflections are not merely journalistic; they reveal the inner turmoil of a writer grappling with the tension between ideology and reality, between the dream of a just society and the compromises demanded by power.Nearly a century later, Journey to Russia remains strikingly relevant. As the world once again turns its gaze to Russia in a time of geopolitical upheaval, Krleža’s acute observations on power, propaganda, and the fate of the individual within a vast ideological project feel eerily prescient. This masterfully crafted modernist travelogue, now available in audio format, invites contemporary listeners to experience history through the eyes of a brilliant and restless mind, offering both a portrait of a pivotal era and a meditation on the enduring cycles of political and social transformation.Miroslav Krleža, Croatian writer, (Zagreb, July 7, 1893 – Zagreb, December 29, 1981). He was the author of the most significant texts in the Croatian literature of the 20th century and the actuator of many cultural initiatives funded on the critical awareness of the Croatian society, which made his opus one of the central determinants in the building up of modern Croatia. Working in conditions of pronounced social division regarding fundamental problems of the community, he succeeded, though not avoiding conflicts, to shape his primary, aesthetic position as indubitable both for supporters and adversaries alike, so that the integrality of his work and thoughts was included in the crucial presumption of the national cultural standard.Publication of this audiobook was cofunded by the Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Croatia.This audiobook features excerpts from the soundtracks of the films Three Songs for Lenin and Enthusiasm by Dziga Vertov.

Mediterranean - A Cultural Landscape


Predrag Matvejević


Vesna Marić


9 sati 28 minuta


esej, zbirka eseja

A seminal text that explores the history and culture of the Mediterranean region. The book has been translated into over 20 languages and remains a significant contribution to cultural studies. Predrag Matvejevic’s writing glints and eddies as if subject to the same winds and currents that stir his Mediterranean. "Crickets often crop up in accounts of Mediterranean moods," we read. "The sound or possibly song of the cricket does not disturb insomnia – I know from experience – on summer nights when waking is easier than sleeping and the spirits keep watch and almost seem to merge over the Mediterranean."In the space of a few pages we encounter knots, ballast, voyages, swimming, diving, shipwrecks, burial at sea, sponge and coral gathering, rivers, and the distribution of olive, fig, and agave. The author has stories to tell about each topic and freely mingles the observations and discoveries of fellow travelers, ancient and contemporary, with his own, creating a powerful narrative tide.The book is divided into three sections: Breviary, Maps, and Glossary. Breviary catalogs the sights, smells, sounds, and features common to the many peoples who share the Mediterranean--Jews, Arabs, Copts, Berbers, Turks, Syrians, Greeks, Romans (and Italians), Spaniards (and Catalonians), the French, Dalmatians, Albanians, Bulgarians, Romanians, even Russians. Maps retraces the same itinerary through documents up to the seventeenth century that represent the Mediterranean; Glossary deals with linguistic diversity and history. The brilliant variety of details and the verve with which they are conveyed will appeal to active and armchair travelers alike.With this portrait of a place and its civilizations, Matvejevic joins a cohort of writers that includes Claudio Magris (Danube), Angelo Maria Ripellino (Magic Prague), and Neal Ascherson (Black Sea)--authors who have created a literary genre all their own, at once personal and objective, imaginative and erudite.Predrag MatvejevićPredrag Matvejević (1932–2017) was a Bosnian-Croatian writer, scholar, and political activist, renowned for his contributions to literature and his advocacy for human rights. He studied Roman and Classical Philosophy at the universities of Sarajevo and Zagreb. He took his PhD in Comparative Aesthetics at the University of Paris III. His works, written in Croat and in French, are a denouncement of the fratricidal war and ethnic cleansing in the Former Yugoslavia; the best-known include: Ces moulins à vent (1977), Lettres ouvertes-exercices de morale (1985), La Yougoslavité d'aujourd'hui (1982), Mediterranean: A Cultural Landscape (1987) -French edition in 1993, and winner of the Prize for Best Foreign Book 1999 (France), Ch. Veillon European Prize (Switzerland), Malaparte Prize (Italy)-, Entre asile et exil (1995), Le miroir de la mer Méditerranéenne (2002) and L'autre Venise (2003), European Strega Prize (Italy). He has been awarded the Legion of Honour by the French government. 

HB OLOVKA – Nove bilješke, čarolije, priče stvarne i snivane


Susanna Mattiangeli


Melody Martišković


1 sati 42 minuta


priče za djecu

HB Olovka je pseudonim desetogodišnje djevojčice Oli, bujne mašte, koja u posebnu bilježnicu zapisuje svoje misli i događanja tijekom školske godine. Oli nije tipična djevojčica koja vodi dnevnik – nju se ne može smjestiti u jednu kategoriju jer ona je spremna na sve: druženje s prijateljima, pisanje priča, mućkanje ljubavnog napitka, …Ovaj dječji roman ne poštuje klasičnu strukturu romana, u njemu nema jasnog uvoda, zapleta i raspleta radnje – no upravo je takva i Oli, nepredvidljiva i posvuda odjednom. Ipak, radnja romana lako se prati zbog jednostavnog teksta i situacija u kojima se i slušatelji sami mogu lako zamisliti. Susanna Mattiangeli, odlična talijanska autorica, niz godina vodi likovne i lutkarske radionice za djecu i poučava kreativno pisanje. Dobila je 2018. jednu od najprestižnijih talijanskih nagrada za dječju književnost – Andersonovu nagradu za spisateljicu godine.Prevoditeljica:Ana Badurina nakon studija povijesti i talijanskog jezika i književnosti na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu u više navrata usavršavala se na tečajevima talijanskog jezika u Italiji. Lektorica je na Odsjeku za talijanistiku zagrebačkog Filozofskog fakulteta. Od 2006. do danas prevela je više od 30 knjiga s talijanskog i za njih dobila pohvale i nagrade.Knjiga je objavljena u sklopu projekta Knjiga u parku sufinanciranog sredstvima programa Kreativna Europa.

Beton and Roni. All the Trouble a Boy and a Dog Can Get into


Koraljka Milun


Brad Keane-Boyer


1 sati 57 minuta


priča za djecu

A boy and his dog. Or a dog and his boy. Whichever you prefer. We’re sure you’ve heard that old saying: Good things happen when you least expect them. Even on a stormy April day, good things can happen. The meeting between a boy and a dog is the best thing that ever happened to both of them. It was friendship at first sight. Find out how it all started and join Beton and Roni on their adventures.Koraljka Milun graduated from the Faculty of Teacher Education in Zagreb and has been working for more than 20 years as a primary school teacher at Jabukovac Elementary. She has published several picture books, one of the most popular being Zmaj Škakljaj (Ticklish Dragon). Since 2011, Koraljka Milun has frequently hosted book fairs and festivals and has participated in workshops in libraries. After several years, she returned to writing stories, this time for slightly older children, aiming to encourage them to read.Translator: Lina KrnicTranslator, publisher, dog enthusiast. I’ve worked in the publishing industry since 2015, when I started translating promotional materials and samples of picture books for Ibis grafika. I have worked on many translation and editorial projects, and after finishing my studies at the University of Essex, I settled in Southeast England, where I live with my dog. Just like Beton, she is also black (overwhelmingly), and people often cross the road in fear when they see her, so I decided that translating this book would be a good idea. Beton and Roni is my first published full-length (co)translation.Koraljka Milun:"I’ve always loved dogs and adventures. When I was a child, I thought I would be a secret agent. Instead, I became a teacher. I create stories for my children and for my students. When I’m not working, I often go for walks with my dogs. Both of them are as good as they are black. You could have an adventure with them any day of the week; all you need to do is step out of the house."Lawrence Shimel:"I have lived in Spain for almost a quarter century now, but I was born in New York City and grew up on Long Island, where my family had lots of pets: not just dogs, but also cats, goats, chickens, ferrets, turtles and more. One time, my mother even came home from shopping with two llamas! She was passing a petting zoo, and they weren’t treating them well, so she bought them and brought them home with her. My passion was fish, and I even began to study as an oceanographer, but I am so allergic to fish (eating them) that I turned to my other passion, books, and became a writer and literary translator instead."This book was published within the project Knjiga u parku (A book in a park) co-funded by the European Union as part of Creative Europe programme.

100 posto Lena


Stefan Boonen


Petar Cvirn


3 sati 4 minuta


priča za djecu

Jednog četvrtka u travnju, po Basa u školu dolazi tata s teškim vijestima. Nešto se dogodilo s Lenom, njegovom sestrom. Tog jutra, sedamnaestogodišnja Lena oduzela si je život bacivši se pod vlak. Najednom, život cijele obitelji okreće se naglavačke. Basovi roditelji kao da ne mogu razmišljati niti razgovarati ni o čemu osim o Leni, a i on sam pita se kako je došlo do toga – njegova sestra bila je obična tinejđerica, sa svojim mušicama i promjenama raspoloženja, ali nitko nije ni sumnjao da je Lena bila nesretna ili nezadovoljna životom. Roman tematizira život obitelji u ovoj novoj, teškoj stvarnosti. Bas, Lenin brat, pokušava odgovoriti na pitanja na koja ne postoje odgovori, a svaki put kada vidi roditelje kako se lome, sestra mu još više nedostaje. To je sada neki novi život, no iz dana u dan, obitelj se nekako privikava na njega.Stefan Boonen napisao je više od 80 knjiga za djecu i mlade od kojih su mnoge prevedene i nagrađene te prilagođene za film ili televiziju. Njegova djela često tematiziraju socijalne probleme, prvenstveno mladih osoba, i pokušavaju dati rješenje za izlaz iz naizgled bezizlaznih situacija.Prevoditeljica:Svetlana Grubić Samaržija diplomirala je na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu Engleski jezik i književnost i Povijest umjetnosti, a završila je dodatni studij nizozemskog jezika. Prevodi beletristiku i publicistiku te audiovizualne materijale s engleskog i nizozemskog jezika. Knjiga je objavljena u sklopu projekta Knjiga u parku sufinanciranog sredstvima programa Kreativna Europa.